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    When traveler enjoy yourself in the sea, he can't help but want to know what it is like in the sea-floor world.
    Therefore, he may go to see the colorful Xin'ao Sea World. Walking in the 100-meter-long sea-floortunnel, he feel as if he were walking into a world of groups and groups of colorful corals and wavering sea grass, like a sea-floor botanical garden. Seawater is flowing slowly around him. Colorful silver carps, Chinese mullets and other fishes will swim to him as if he came into a wonderful fairyland. Traveler may see pomfrets that can eat people, sharks and some other meat-eating fishes. He needn't worry about his safety. Twelve-centimeter-thick glass guarantees it.
    Traveler who like marine animals can see the specimens of sailfish, devilfish and sharks and get some common sense of them. In dolphin hall he can watch dolphin and sea lion's performances in Xin'ao Sea World.

Edit by: ch
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